My Place In This World

My Place In This World

Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place—and I did not know it!” And he was afraid, and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
Genesis 28:16-17

Dear Friends,

In the late ’80s or early ’90s, there was a popular song entitled “My Place In This World”. It was a crossover hit by contemporary Christian singer Michael W. Smith. The chorus went as follows:

Lookin' for a reason
Roamin' through the night to find
My place in this world
My place in this world
Writers - Wayne Kirkpatrick, Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith

It was poignant to me at the time as I was wondering if I made the right choice in being a pastor. I had even begun looking for other jobs. But that is another story.

Have you ever wondered if you are in the right place in the world? Did you make the right choice?

I think we all ask ourselves that question at times.

The Bible passage above is from a story of a younger twin named Jacob. His older twin brother, Esau, was his father’s favorite. In addition, Esau would receive most of the family inheritance not because he was his father’s favorite, but he was older, even if he was only a few minutes older.

But here is the problem. Esau did not take things very seriously. It was thought by Jacob and Jacob’s mother, Rebecca, that Esau would squander the inheritance. Jacob and Rebecca tricked Isaac, Rebecca’s husband and the father of Esau and Jacob. Isaac mistakenly gave Jacob the inheritance.

When Esau found out he became enraged. Jacob had to escape to an uncle’s home in another country.

On the way, Isaac began to have doubts. Did God forgive him? Did God abandon him because of his actions?

Jacob has a dream in which he envisions angels coming to take care of him. He realizes, “God is in this place! I have found my place in this world! It is in God!”

You and I have a place in this world. Through Jesus Christ, that place is in God.

You and I may be looking for our place in this world. But God blesses us where we are at so we can proclaim, “God is in this place and I did not know it! But I have a place in this world!”


Ricky Adams
Peace Lutheran Church
Mill Valley, California