The Sausalito Food Pantry began as a vibrant ecumenical effort back in 1997. The original five participating churches were Peace Lutheran Church, Christ Episcopal Church, Sausalito Presbyterian Church, Star of the Sea Catholic Church and the Baptist Church in Sausalito. Each church provided volunteer and financial support. It takes a large team of volunteers to keep the Pantry open each week. There was also generous help from various civic organizations and merchants. The Sausalito Women's Club, the Sausalito Yacht Club also provided financial support and food donations each year. Today Sausalito Christian Fellowship stands in the place of the Baptist Church and hosts Open Door Ministry.
Our organization's mission statement is "God's people sharing God's gifts with those in need in Southern Marin". Every Monday afternoon volunteers distributed bags of food from the Pantry at Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Sausalito. Everyone who came for help were served with open and loving hospitality.
As of November 1, 2013, the Ecumenical Food Pantry has been temporarily closed. We are in the process of looking for a new location, perhaps, a mobile pantry van or towable trailer parked to provide easier access to clients. Our hope is to inspire and engage a larger community of volunteers to insure the future viability of this important work.
We would love your ideas as to where the Pantry's relocation site might be possible. Please contact Mary Ann Griller at (415) 332-6011
For the past eighteen months the Pastors from all five participating Churches, as well as several Pantry volunteers, have been meeting quarterly to continue the dialogue about our future. At our very first meeting it was decided that a special celebration to thank everyone who is involved in food ministry in Sausalito was our most appropriate first step. This past Feb. 22,
2014 we hosted our Second Annual Food Ministry Luncheon at Christ Episcopal Church's Campbell Hall. Our EFP Council and 11 Sausalito restaurants hosted the luncheon to honor and thank all the volunteers who participate in our community wide effort to provide food supplies and meals. Over 45 volunteers were in attendance and a beautiful and bountiful buffet was enjoyed by all. We all celebrated and asked for God's blessing over the efforts and accomplishments of the volunteers during the past year. Each individual ministry was asked to share their stories of what it is to provide hospitality to those in need. The Ecumenical Food Ministry Council plans to continue the dialogue and most especially to continue hosting an annual luncheon celebration.
Ecumenical Food Pantry - Elizabeth Tremel of Star of the Sea
Ecumenical Food Pantry - Elizabeth Tremel of Star of the Sea
Presbyterian Church Community Meal - Pastor Paul Mowry
Katrina's Dream / Olof's Brothers Ministry - Harry son of founders, William & Helene Swanson
Open Door Ministry at Sausalito Christian Fellowship Church - Pastor Tamara Cotten and Mickey Allison, Clothes volunteer
Fireside Brown Bag Meal - Sharon Sides of Peace Lutheran Church
Ecumenical Food Ministry Council - Linda Lee, Facilitator